
Cues for shows Chris wants to run for Rhett. Useful as an example of how a small show run by someone unfamiliar with Afterglow was organized after a few years of not working with it.


Holds the show if it has been created, so it can be unregistered if it is being re-created.



We register this function to be called when the delete button is pressed on a push, to kill all cues and then restart the torrent shutter open cue.


(grid-controller-listener event grid-controller)

Called whenever grid controllers are added to or removed from the show. Sets up our custom buttons on any Ableton Push controllers that get attached.



Set up the pages of cues.


(make-main-color-cues page-x page-y add-beyond?)

Creates a page of cues that assign colors to the lights. If Beyond laser show integration is desired, add-beyond? will be true.


(make-main-dimmer-cues page-x page-y)

Creates a page of cues that assign dimmers to the lights.


(make-movement-cues page-x page-y)

Create a page of with some large scale and layered movement effects. And miscellany which I’m not totally sure what to do with yet.


(master-pushed grid-controller)

We register this function to be called when the master button is pressed on a push, to jump to our dimmer cues page.


(misc-movement-cues page-x page-y)

some miscellany which I’m not totally sure what to do with. yet.


(more-color-cues page-x page-y)

Some miscellany which I’m not totally sure what to do with.


Keeps track of the ID of the strobe effect launched by pressing the quantize button, so we can safely end it when releasing the button.



We register this to be called when the quantize button is pressed on a push, to trigger our strobe-all effect.



We register this to be called when the quantize button is released on a push, to end the strobe-all effect if it’s still running from when the quantize button was pressed.



Adds the macros Chris created while figuring out how to use the show.


(use-chris-show & {:keys [universe], :or {universe 1}})

Set up the show for Chris. By default it will create the show to use universe 1, but if you want to use a different universe (for example, a dummy universe on ID 0, because your DMX interface isn’t handy right now), you can override that by supplying a different ID after :universe.